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Profile of Study Program

Masters in Civil Engineering - Faculty of Engineering - University of Janabadra

Study Program (PS) Master of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Janabadra (MTS FT UJB) Yogyakarta was established in 2011, and obtained an operating permit by DIKTI number 214 / E / O / 2011 dated 30 September 2011. This PS was founded on several thoughts including : (1). PS S1 Civil Engineering strata of the Faculty of Engineering, University of Janabadra has been accredited B, so it has fulfilled the syata to establish a PS S2 in Civil Engineering, (2). The need for graduates of Civil Engineering S1 (especially alumni of the University of Janabadra) to continue to a higher level (S2) is felt to be needed, (3). The existence of market opportunities in this study PS is due to the increasing need for strata 2 and (4) expert staff. The need for a forum for the existence of teaching staff who have met the qualifications to teach at the S2 level. The establishment of PS is expected to contribute positively to both the environment of the University of Janabadra itself and to the wider community.

Permanent Lecturers whose fields of expertise are in accordance with the field of Study Program, the ratio of permanent lecturers with a doctoral degree is very good at 85.71%. The efforts made are planning and encouraging lecturers for further study. Whereas for lecturers who are still in advanced studies (S3) is 14.29%, so it is expected that if it is completed it can improve the ability of the lecturers. When viewed from his academic position, 57.14% of the lecturers were elected, 28.57% were chief lecturers, and the rest were expert assistants. There are no lecturers who have been professors in academic positions. 85.71% of lecturers have lecturer certificates.



Becoming an innovative and applicable Master of Civil Engineering in the field of civil engineering in 2026.


Organizing postgraduate education programs in the field of civil engineering that are innovative and field oriented.
Organizing research and community service in the field of civil engineering that is applicable.
Organizing regional and national cooperation in the fields of education, research and community service.


Produce innovative, expert and skilled graduates;
Produce innovative research that encourages the development of the application of science and technology on a national scale;
Produce community service to empower communities to be able to solve problems independently and sustainably;
Realizing a highly qualified master's program.

Scientific Concentration

Prioritization / Concentration in the Janabadra Civil Engineering Masters Program


Construction Management

The first concentration is Construction Management (MK) with specialization in Operations and Maintenance Management (supported by the required SKS Management and Maintenance Course 3 credits). Why is this specificity so necessary ?:
1) The cost of building maintenance can reach up to 35-65% of the cost of construction (Mawardi et al., 2018),
2) Operation and maintenance is something that is continuous / continuous until the lifetime of a building / construction runs out.
This particularity is what distinguishes the civil engineering master at other universities. This specificity is also something new (innovation) because of the development trend of operations and maintenance management within the scope of Building Information Management (BIM) (Rachel Novotny, 2018) which is currently very advanced.

Pengelolaan Sumber Daya Air

The second concentration is Water Resources (SDA) with the specificity of Regional (Spatial) Water Resources Management supported by technology. This specificity is used to support the success of government programs in the field of sustainable water resources, and currently the government is preparing a Water Resources Bill (RUU) as an old Water Resources Law. The curriculum at this concentration is directed at supporting these policies such as: Courses (MK) Management of Water Resources, Analysis of Water Supply / Needs, SDA Economics, and Geographic Information Systems for their regional analysis.

Sistem Transportasi

The second concentration is Water Resources (SDA) with the specificity of Regional (Spatial) Water Resources Management supported by technology. This specificity is used to support the success of government programs in the field of sustainable water resources, and currently the government is preparing a Water Resources Bill (RUU) as an old Water Resources Law. The curriculum at this concentration is directed at supporting these policies such as: Courses (MK) Management of Water Resources, Analysis of Water Supply / Needs, SDA Economics, and Geographic Information Systems for their regional analysis.

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