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Best of the Best



There is a place of work / discussion for Masters PS students with AC and LCD Projector facilities and free internet facilities (free 24 hour hot spot). Available bandwidth is up to 150 Mbps. Internet connection is also still assisted in collaboration with several GSM network providers such as Indosat and Telkomsel which can be accessed free by students.


The laboratory room owned by the Civil Engineering Department is also a laboratory for the Civil Engineering Masters Program. The current laboratory is a Computer Laboratory, Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Building Materials Laboratory, Highway Laboratory, Geomatics Laboratory and Environmental-Hydraulics Laboratory.

Lab MTS.jpg


The sustainability of the procurement of facilities and infrastructure is planned in the University budget together with other Study Programs at the beginning of each fiscal year. Some procurement is centered at the University, and some are in the Faculty on proposals from the Department or other considerations. Utilization of infrastructure facilities is still used jointly by universities such as libraries, courtrooms and auditoriums, but some are specifically provided for a particular department such as laboratories, seminar rooms, lecture halls, lecturers' rooms.

As Shoff Mosque

Currently near the MTS Study Program there is the Masjid Janabadra Mosque (Masdjid As Shaff), a mosque measuring 8 x 20 m in length with air-conditioned rooms is very convenient for worshiping the academic community.

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